Thursday, June 24, 2010

better late than never...

So... new resolution starting in June... I am going to be a better blogger, I am going to be a better blogger, I am going.... ok so point taken? I sure hope so. A lot has happened since I last posted so instead of trying to play catch up I will just start with the recent. Most recent thing that has happened in my life is foot surgery! ahh crazy, I know.. but I had this nasty tailors bunion/big bursa and I figured since I am done dancing seriously :( and I start teaching in August :) this summer would be the best time to do it! It was awful for the first few days not being able to keep any food down for the first day or so because of pain pills, then being in pain because the pills weren't working, but I am doing much better now and just waiting for the incision to heal (which I have conveniently posted a picture of for you below). One thing is for sure, not being able to use my foot very well has made me very grateful for my feet. It is amazing how many things they allow you to do. Next week the doctor is going to remove the stitches and I will be home free and headed to Lake Powell! Which I am very excited for!

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